Contributor & Code

Anyone can contribute to Open eLearning documentation.

We especially welcome the contributions of Open eLearning beginners.

In fact, beginners have a distinct advantage over the experts, because they can more easily spot the places where documentation is lacking.

Send your tutorial to :

Open eLearning is easily expandable to our own needs

The features and objects of the software are realized with "plugins".

A plugin is simply a folder with the following files:

Plugins Samples :

See special Functions

Test your "Plugin Code" directly on Open eLearning :

On Windows :


On Linux :


On Mac Os :


The Group

Thank you for wanting to contribute (Code and Documentation).
Join our group on this page :
A team member will contact you by phone or message.

The associated Js Libs

Core compilation =>

Editor =>

Charts Objects =>

UI of Open eLearning =>

Metro 4 (early Metro UI CSS) is an open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS. Quickly prototype your ideas or build your entire app with a responsive grid system, extensive prebuilt components, and powerful plugins built on jQuery.

Metro 4 developed to build websites in Windows Metro Style and include general styles, grid, layouts, typography, 70+ components and routines, 500+ built-in icons. 

Metro 4 is open source and has an MIT licensing model.

The Core

You will find the engine code at this address:

The core engine of Open eLearning is based on Electron JS

This core engine does not contain templates, plugins and images and associated Libs

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License